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Ginger Marmalade in Your Everyday Cooking
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The Ultimate Guide to Using Ginger Marmalade in Your Everyday Cooking 

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The Ultimate Guide to Using Ginger Marmalade in Your Everyday Cooking 

Ginger marmalade has a unique flavour that combines the sweetness of traditional marmalade with the warm, spicy notes of ginger. It’s a great addition to your kitchen cupboard, providing an exciting twist to both sweet and savoury dishes.

Keep reading to learn all about marmalade and try your hand at our simple ginger marmalade recipe.

What’s the difference between jam and marmalade?

Although often confused, jam and marmalade have distinct differences. Jam can be made from any fruit—and even vegetables. The ingredients are either puréed or chopped and then cooked with jam sugar, creating the soft texture we all know and love.

Marmalade, on the other hand, is made exclusively from citrus rind and juice, leading to a thicker, more chunky texture and a zesty flavour kick.

Traditionally, marmalade is made from Seville oranges, renowned for their rich flavour and strong citrus aroma. These oranges have become synonymous with the beloved character Paddington Bear, famous for his love for Seville orange marmalade —always stashing a jar in his suitcase and keeping a marmalade sandwich in his hat, in case of emergencies!

Our ginger marmalade recipe

Our gingered orange marmalade recipe is simply divine, good enough to earn the approval of Paddington Bear himself! Created with just four ingredients—fresh ginger, oranges, lemons and Tate & Lyle Pure Cane Preserving Sugar—this marmalade is gloriously easy to make.

Tate & Lyle Pure Cane Preserving Sugar is the secret to a perfect marmalade. Unlike jam sugar, it has no added pectin, which makes it ideal for use with ingredients containing high pectin levels (like citrus fruits).

It’s a granulated sugar with large, slow-dissolving crystals that minimises stirring, prevents burning, and produces less froth—making your marmalade-making experience as smooth as possible.

How to make the most of your ginger marmalade?

Use it as a marinade 

Ginger marmalade makes an excellent base for marinades, adding both sweetness and heat to meats and vegetables. It works particularly well with chicken, pork, beef, and even seafood like shrimp or salmon.

Try our Chinese sticky ribs with marmalade marinade, where marmalade is the star, creating a rich, savoury marinade that leaves the ribs irresistibly sticky and perfectly glazed for a delightful meal.

Fill your muffins and cakes

Ginger marmalade can add a burst of flavour to your baked goods. Use it to fill muffins or layer cakes, bringing a tangy and spicy touch that enhances every bite.

For instance, Seville orange marmalade, cheddar, and chilli muffins uses marmalade to complement the savoury cheddar and spicy chilli flavours, creating a unique and delicious muffin.

Spread on toast and scones

A classic use for ginger marmalade is as a spread on toast or scones, perfect for breakfast or afternoon tea. Spread the marmalade on buttered toast for a simple yet delicious snack, or pair it with scones and a dollop of clotted cream for a truly indulgent treat.

Ready to make your own ginger marmalade?

If you’re inspired to try this tantalising treat, follow our simple recipe. With just a few basic ingredients and some standard kitchen tools, you can whip up a batch of this delightful spread to enjoy at home or gift to friends and family.

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