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Mince pie pops

Mince Pie Pops

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30 mins




Mince pie pops


A modern twist on a festive classic! These Mince Pie Pops are great for little hands to hold and have a real wow factor if you turn up to a party with them!

made using

Fondant Icing Sugar

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Step 1

Sift the flour and icing sugar into a bowl, then add the butter. Using your fingertips, rub it into flour gently until the dough resembles breadcrumbs.

Step 2

Use your hands to bring the dough together to form a ball. Be gentle as overworking the dough can cause it to become tough rather than flaky.

Step 3

Divide into two discs, wrap in cling film and refrigerate for at least 30 mins.

Step 4

Preheat your oven to 190C / 375F and lightly flour your work surface and rolling pin.

Step 5

Roll out one disc of pastry to around 3-4mm thick, and use your round fluted cutter to cut as many circles as you can. You’ll need an even number, as one circle will form the bottom of your pip pop and the other will go on top.

Step 6

Place the cake sticks into the centre of each circle and dollop a teaspoon of mincemeat on top.

Step 7

Use your star cutter to cut stars out of the centre of a few of the circular pieces of dough, and leave some whole.

Step 8

Roll out your other disc of pastry to around 3-4mm thick and use your star cutter to cut a few stars – these will be placed on top of the circles that have been left whole for decoration.

Step 9

Top the mince pie pops with the additional rounds of pastry and use a pie pop stick to gently seal the edges. Press the stick into your pastry, leaving a 1mm space between each press. Decorate the plain circles with some extra stars and bake for 30 minutes until golden brown.

Step 10

Leave to cool and sprinkle with additional icing sugar if desired.

Ingredients – 4 items




Plain flour

300 g
Fairtrade Cane Icing Sugar

Fairtrade Tate & Lyle Icing Sugar

30 g

Cold unsalted butter, cubed

210 g


300 g

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